


Our greatest strength is our ability to produce the most suitable original panels customized for the space a designer envisions.




So you want to give your space some impact. Let's say you want to design a very specific kind of wall panel. Or you want an artful decoration, a unique wood grain, a texture with presence…
We handle all sorts of requests from designers like you.

Please implore us with the design vision you want to make a reality. Through dialogue, we can work together to develop the optimal solution to help make your design idea come true.

How to order


  • まだデザインが固まっていない
  • デザインの方向性が複数ある
  • デザインと予算のバランスが不明

「Style Stripeの形状をもっと不規則に変えたい」

Over the years, we have had the pleasure of fulfilling many bespoke orders for our customers.
Some common things we hear from our customers: “None of your general line of products suits the design I am envisioning.” ”I'd like to shape this product to better fit the design concept.” We take our years of experience and technical knowledge to meet the designer's requests. You may have special concerns about the design of your space, like these:

  • Many elements of your design are still undecided.
  • The design could go in a number of possible directions
  • The balance between your design and available budget are unclear In all of these cases, we welcome you to speak with us.
We can also comply with a designer's request to make subtle adjustments to the product, like making enlarging the Naguri pattern, or changing the Style Stripe to something more irregular. We can meet requests to slrighty resize the product as well.

About cost



Orders requiring bespoke modifications of the design—such as carving depth, material thickness, surface coating, and other elements—mean significantly higher costs.

In order to avoid the situation where the design is perfect but the cost is not agreeable, we reccomend you to specify your budget in the intitial stage of design meetings. With your budget in consideration, we will proceed in proposing the optimal design for your project.



無垢のNaguri手彫りのような凹凸のパネル研ぎ出し塗装のパネルMDFのスクリーンツキ板の染色仕上げの納品事例海のイメージのアートパネルツキ板NaguriをBespokeしてみましたヴィアイン金沢日本料理 四季邸目白 旬香亭海老吟醸 じぱんぐ 上野本店銀座 kappou ukaiHALYAMSHITA 大手町 Lounge都市銀行山の手ホテル銀座エバンスCAFE FADIES 福岡銀行北九州店日本テラデータくまがい池袋メトロポリタンプラザACACIA関西国際空港 ラウンジ港南台バース個人邸博多マルイ瓦町FLAG横浜ロイヤルパークホテル福新楼リバー鷺洲 モデルルームホテル グレイスリー新宿ホテルグレイスリー那覇権八 浅草吾妻橋ザ・パークハウス 文京白山S-PAL 山形焼肉トラジ 高崎店Red Roof Inn&Suites 大阪 難波・日本橋東京メトロ上野駅Eggsn Things Coffee 柏高島屋ラグーナベイコート倶楽部ホテル阪急レスパイア大阪京王プレリアホテル札幌レジデンスレジデンスレジデンスWHISKY BOTTLE BAR DEN SANNOMIYANBF ALLIANCEザ・リッツ・カールトン日光I-PRIMO銀座本店IFFT 2021BMJP 乃木坂マテリアルルームちひろ菓子店焙煎所空庵(オーストラリア ニューキャッスルのお茶室)佐野産婦人科医院ザ・リッツ・カールトン福岡TRUNK(HOTEL) YOYOGI PARKa07k01k02m02v01v04チークヒノキ杉ウォールナットアニグレカバウェンジゼブラ個人邸壁面事例SUSHI SHO NYCプロロジス